
Now Playing: Tyrone Wells - This Time
So this morning, I woke up at 6:50 in the morning to my lame alarm clock that really needs to die. And then I notice its like pouring outside and thunder and lightning, and I was like what's going on, is there a hurricane? Then I throw on some clothes, grab a poptart, and I'm out the door. I'm speeding down my road in the chaotic rain, running a little late, and then I notice this jimongous truck like taking up the whole road and im like crap, so i drive through a huuuge puddle to get out of its way and ended up spinning right toward the huge truck, but i was able to get out the way just in time. And finally I get to school, parked, got outta my car to hurry to get to class, and I realized I was stepping in a puddle above my ankles, and I was like great, this is a good day. So I get to class, listen to a lame lecture, and then we had a lab, and lol, believe it or not, I fell asleep in the middle of the lab, right at my microscope! It was really strange, and I woke up later and my lab partner Tim was staring at me really weird lol. then i went to sociology, and actually had a productive day, I managed to finally get to level 5 on the spring ball game on my cell phone! ...then i fell asleep in that class as well. well i gotta get back to homework, hopefully this day will brighten up soon, haha peace.