
Now Playing: Augstana- Sweet and Low
Well, today was a blast. First I woke up at 9, and the second I turned on my computer Paul was freaking out on aim, "can i come over, can i come over?" and i was like chill out, can i wake up first? lol. so he came over and washed my car for me, it was quite amazing. he brought a whole basket of crap to wash cars with, he even made my tires shiny! hehe. i just kinda sat there and watched the master at work. then i made him some ramen noodles, not just because thats the only thing that i can make, but also because he has never had any before! i was flabbergasted. then we chilled, watched a movie, played a game. then kevin came over, and we played ping pong like forrest gump lol, it was hilarious. i got a six pack from laughing so hard. then paul went to work, and then victor came over, so me, kevin, and victor decided to bike to some trails near my house, but we kinda underestimated how far away the trails were, it ended up being like 13 miles lol, it was brutal, and somehow the wind was against us the entire time, even coming back! lol, but i had fun. but when we got off our bikes, i fell over, i couldnt walk normal for like another hour haha. the whole day i was just smiling and laughing, cuz i havent exactly had the best of days lately, so i realized that friends really are everything, they mean so much to me, and i love them. so the moral of the story is: girls rule, bring water on long brutal bike rides, and always appreciate your friends. well i got 350 anatomical terms to memorize by tomorrow and a paper to write, sigh, gotta get to work. byes.