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Cindilou's Blog!
Thursday, 9 October 2008
Near Death Experiences
Mood:  accident prone
Now Playing: SNL

whhhooooooa ok so today i got out of class at 9 pm and it was poooouring and me and taylor just so happened to park in the fartherst parking lot, i dont know why we do, but we do. and we waited around for 5 minutes but finally just gave up. so we ran to our cars, and i just so happened to pick the pathway with everysingle deep puddle in the entire world, and i was wearing white shorts too, which was just wonderful because by the time i got to my car i was DRENCHED, like i had just jumped into a swimming pool. so anyways, im driving home, and i seriously cant see a thing. and im a bad driver to begin with when its bright and sunny, soo lol, it was not good. but anyways i was merging onto 528 and there was a giant tree fallen down! and i didnt see it! but luckily i was less than an inch away from crashing into it and dieing. and then once im on 528 i almost crashed into the railing on the bridge cuz i couldnt see a thing, and i couldnt see the dividers between the lanes either and neither could anyone else cuz i could see cars sprawled EVERYWHERE! it was truly insane. like seriously people, i couldnt see anything except for when lightning would strike every 5 seconds, but that was it. and so it took forever for me to get home obviously and there were trees everywhere and when i got home, i got inside the house, i just stood there in shock that i was still alive and my mom was like "AAAHHHH CINDI IM SO GLAD UR ALIVE!" cuz it was a friggin hurricane outside!

hehe love yall


Posted by cindilou90 at 9:42 PM EDT
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