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Cindilou's Blog!
Friday, 10 October 2008
[insert witty title]
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: horror movie, dont remember what its called

so today i woke up at 7 for no reason, lame i know. so i decided to go to the beach cuz the beach is my favorite stress reliever. so while i was there, i was just laying there jammin to phil whickham and this crab attacks my foot! like seriously! and it wasnt just some cute little crab, no, it was the mother of all crabs! and so after being rudely awakened from my relaxation i decided to take a quick dip in the ocean, which i have to admit, was not one of my best ideas. i am a veeeery weak swimmer, like i would not be surprised if the cause of my death is drowning. so going to beach by myself and into the ocean by myself, nowhere near a lifeguard, and nowhere near any other beachgoers was a very dumb idea. but eh, i survived! hehe. after my lovely beach adventure i went and played tennis with mari, and lucky me, i pulled a muscle in my leg, and ruined my knee some more because i forgot to wear my kneebrace lol, but because im stupid i decided to not let it bother me and i continued playing tennis, which was DUMB! which reminds me, i decided im gonna be one of those people that needs 12 knee surgeries by the time im 30. my mom says i run too much, but i cant just stop running, thats like ordering you to never eat ice cream again. but anyways now im stuck on the couch hoping my leg will magically become amazing again lol while watching a horror movie with my lil sis. not one of the best friday nights i have ever spent, but eh, i need to spend more time with suzy anyway. im never home much when she is, and when i am, one of us has lots of gay homework to do. but anyways, this movie is getting really scary, i think im gonna hide under my bed now. peace out home skillets.


Posted by cindilou90 at 9:26 PM EDT
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