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Cindilou's Blog!
Tuesday, 14 October 2008
Speedos Should Be ILLEGAL!
Mood:  lyrical
Now Playing: The Doobie Brothers - Keep This Train A-Rollin'

this morning i woke up after 11 hours of sleep, it was niiiice. and it was a beautiful day, so i threw on my bathin suit and headed to the beach. i was there by myself so i decided to take a long walk on the beach, cuz im weird like that and i love to walk and run long distances. but anyways while i was there i saw a really old man wearing a see through speedo! and i almost threw up all over the place, and i was definitely blinded for atleast an hour! (shudder, shudder) and then when i was heading back to my spot by Cherry Down there was this black guy that was fishing and he seemed to be waiting for me to pass. he was just standing there awkwardly so as i passed he said some stupid pickup line and called me "man" somewhere in his line. usually being called "man" or "dude" doesnt bother me at all, but a little advice to you guys out there, never use it in a pickup line! gosh, lol, use some common sense. but anyways, i just kept walking, and the guy's friend just started laughing really hard and making fun of him, haha, it was funny.

and then on my way home, i was listening to Z88.3 and the song called In My Arms, by Plumb, came on, and i absolutely LOVE that song!

clouds will rage and
storms will race in
but you will be safe
in my arms
rains will pour down
waves will crash around
but you will be safe
in my arms

when i hear that song, i cannot help but sing as loud as i seriously possibly can, not caring if anybody is listening. that song just means so much to me, i feel so close to God when i hear it, cuz its so true! i always picture God annoyed with me because sometimes i can stray way too far, and i can just picture Him with his arms crossed and His eyes disappointed, just waiting for me to come back. and the whole time i am far from Him, He is still always there, holding me, and I just wish I realized that more.

cindi lou

Posted by cindilou90 at 9:18 PM EDT
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