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Cindilou's Blog!
Sunday, 19 October 2008
365 feet = MASSIVELY HIGH!
Mood:  on fire
Now Playing: Switchfoot - Dare You to Move
ok hmmm let's just say i had an AMAZING weekend lol, it was jampacked with fun plans, but i think ill just talk about Old Town. ok so my sunday school class decided to go to Old Town in Kissimmee on saturday night. we got there and i was like dude, sweet, this place is awesome! it was like a fair on steroids! and for the past couple of weeks Jason kept pushing me to ride the Sky Coaster when we got there and i was like aaaahhhh no way! we get there right, we eat, and then head straight to the Sky Coaster, and James and Steve knew they were going but needed another person to go with them and all night James was like Cindi, you're going, you're just going that's it. and i was like pshhh no! i mean i looked at the line for going on the sky coaster...and there was no all. but um half an hour later somehow i was strapped down (with a full stomach btw) and climbing 365 feet up in the air just to fall to my doom. ok well if ur somebody like me and numbers like 365 feet mean nothing to you...well ok so we're up there and it was FRIGGIN MOTHER OF ALL SWASHBUCKLING SOOOOOO HIGH i could see the shuttle lunchpad which is TWO HOURS AWAY driving distance!!!! yea, i pretty much died, and also, for some other reason i was chosen to be the one to pull the chord while we were up there, this meant when got all the way up to 365 feet i was the one to make us drop! ummm, yea, that went i pull this chord right and then i just screamed and screamed...and throat still hurts. but anyways after that james promised to take me on the ferris wheel cuz i had never been on one and plus he totally owed it to me for making me go on that sky coaster!!! oh btw did i mention that sky coaster was the world's tallest? well yea, IT IS!!! but hey, i got a free tshirt for riding it! lol but the ferris wheel was fun and we went on a couple other rides too, fewf, what a night lol. and james i know i kept saying that i hated you cuz u made me go on that, but its ok ill always love you bff jamison harrison costello =)

Posted by cindilou90 at 1:27 PM EDT
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