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Cindilou's Blog!
Wednesday, 22 October 2008
ya ever just have one of those days?
Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: the peaceful sound of nothingness

today was just one of those days that would absolutly kill me if i had to go through it again. first i woke up at 6, after going to sleep around 2 from studying my butt off for sociology. anyways, i went to anatomy and my teacher was like "oh btw, u need to memorize all the bones and their markings by monday." now if she woulda just said bones i woulda been perfectly fine cuz 206 is not that bad, but no, i have to know all the markings as well! ok, this means all the little tiny dents, holes, fissures, facets, canals, processes, and projections of each bone. there are billions!!! ok there arent billions but i caclulated it out and there are roughly atleast 500, and each has its own unique stupid confusing different language scientific name. siiiigh then after hearing that from my professor, then she said we had to know all the bones by memory so much that we were going to have to be able to tell which bone is which by feeling it with our eyes closed. this lady is crazy! so me and the guy that sits next to me, joshua, were just like freeeeaking out, but finally after like an hour of freaking out we gave up and just started fooling around with all the stupid bones. it truly was rediculous. then later i went to sociology and took the hardest test of my life, and the 5 hours of studying i did? USELESS! it was all mostly multiple choice but every question had the same exact choices to pick from so it was all so confusing and i had no idea what i was doing, i was christmastreeing thats for sure. yea it sucked and that was a friggin huge unit test too. sigh, oh well. then i hung out with taylor, kevin, and nick for awhile which was allright. then i went home and slept and now i feel really awful, like i forgot how miserable it is to just have that overall sick feeling ya know? this usually happens to me once a semester when everything gets really stressful. i was telling james yesterday that i just want to hop on a train, and see where it takes me. i always thought that would be AWESOME! and i see a train everyday on my way to school, usually i have to wait for it to cross and every time i just feel like abandoning my car and running away. but anyways, yea, my head was totally gone today too. have u ever had those days were u like put ur clothes in the trashcan, and ur trash in the hamper? i do that all the time, i have lost so many pairs of socks that way. but anyways i just found my capris in the tub, and that was the icing on the cake of realizing my mind has run away with the train and left my body. so im sitting here feelin like im about to throw up all over my computer (sorry if that grosses u out but suck it up) instead of having a wendys picnic and watching Disney movies with James, and playing ultimate frisbee like i should be. but anyways, im out, i gotta sleep. gnight world.


Posted by cindilou90 at 10:16 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 22 October 2008 10:42 PM EDT
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Thursday, 23 October 2008 - 12:35 AM EDT

Name: "James"

BFF Cindi Lou Houser,

 Looks like quite an intense day you had there. Well just be glad you did not attend Ultimate Frisbe with me at Cocoa BCC, it is 12:30am and I am just walking in my door, oh and did I tell you I work tomorrow? Lovely huh? I will make up for the sickish you are today. Wendy's, Mulan, weekend? weekday next week? you decide, I will arrange my schedule accordingly =) Feel better Cinderblick.


~ James

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