
Now Playing: MercyMe - Sanctified
okay, well its a new year. and i have a couple of goals. im gonna read the bible all the way through in one year. it seems easy to read the whole darn thing in a year, but for some reason i find it hard to do, usually it takes me more than a year. but im inspired, i know a lot of people who read the bible twice in one year! so no more of my excuses, i need to stop being so retarded.
second, im joining the gym with kevin! and plus im gonna be Edgewood's assistant tennis coach this season, so im gonna be in tip top shape :) im excited.
and third, because i now have a boyfriend, its still weird saying that, its been a while, but i gotta promise myself not to ignore my bffs, cuz i know that sucks. and also, not to let anyone, not just fatu, get in the way of the relationship that I have with God. :)