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Cindilou's Blog!
Thursday, 22 January 2009
Now Playing: Breathe - Fifteen

sorry im failing as a blog writer... i totally underestimated the impact of 5 classes, 4 being hardcore science classes, a boyfriend, tennis assitant coach, and being in an orchestra now. if i thought i experienced stress and exhaustion before, that was nothing compared to what im going through now. i feel like i can't please anybody, not even myself, because there's never enough hours in a day, and not enough of me to spread around lol. i know it sounds silly, but its so true. i love all my friends for putting the sunshine in my days. i love you all and i couldnt make it without you all. and fatu, you're crazy for putting up with me lol.

 cinni =]

James 1:2-4

Posted by cindilou90 at 9:06 PM EST
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