
I think it is human nature to view oneself as perfect. I know that sounds really selfish and prideful, but it is true. It took me 19 years to realize that I do not always know what is right, I am not perfect, I have error, and I need to accept that. I have had many arguments with people, for the most part it had to do with me judging someone of their actions, yelling at them, telling them that they're doing wrong. At the end of the argument, I would always look like the good guy, the one who knows everything and always does well. Bow to me. The largest problem that I have is judging people. I hate to admit it, but it is so true. It is not my right to judge, it is God's, and only God's. Who am I to act in such a way, when I am nowhere near perfect myself? I realized today I am a constant flaw. I am never perfect. I am not always right. Only one person that walked on the Earth was perfect and righteous and holy. He was Jesus, and I have no room whatsoever to act like I am on the same level as Him. I apologize for ever being judgemental, for ever acting like I know everything and you dont know squat, for ever being mean, for ever ignoring you. I am still learning, and seeking wisdom from my Holy Father. Sometimes I may have a need to voice my opinion, but mostly because I care. I simply want to be a shining light, but a lot of the time I am just retarded. And idk, I am not even sure if I am making sense. But overall, I am filled to the top with error and have no right to judge.