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Cindilou's Blog!
Thursday, 2 October 2008
None of us are perfect.
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: MercyMe - Finally Home

today i was talking to my friend heather about this site, and how excited i was lol, and then we were discussing how amazing computer geeks are (aka james lol) but how weird they are (tehe). but then i was like well wait a second, who isnt weird, ya know? it easy for me to tell you that it is bad to judge, but it is hard for me to actually follow that. for example, i took a biology class over the summer, and there was this one lady in that class that, honestly, i did not want to be around. She was ugly, and a real sarcastic know-it-all. it hurts to even think that i thought this way, but because i was judging so much, i never got to know the real her, ya know? well it just so happens that this same lady is in my anatomy class this semester, and now she sits near me. but now that i am trying to get to know the real her, i have realized she is not that bad, she is insanely smart, really cares for people, and truly is beautiful. and i cant believe i didnt take the time to see that before. i guess, what im trying to say, is that everybody has their quirks, and that we are not ones to judge, because none of us are perfect. Only Jesus has the right to judge, so why is it so hard to fall into the trap, and judge a book by its cover? i dont know, i have yet to find that answer, but in the mean time, i am trying my best to look on the inside more than i do the outside, because i know how much it hurts when somebody does not give u a second glance cuz ur not "up to par" and i know how easily i myself dont give others a second glance as well.

love cind

Posted by cindilou90 at 1:57 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 2 October 2008 3:48 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 1 October 2008
Same Day (this blog is from actual Cindi this time lol)
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: Michael Buble - Lost

hmm ok well this is Cindilou. James wrote the first blog, he made this website for me, i just basically told him a couple things i wanted but its pretty much a website for the both of us, cuz we're cool like that. but he pretty much did everything on his own cuz its all greek to me lol. he actually didnt even tell me he was making me a website we were talking on aim and wala he sends me this link lol. i was excited. but yea, hmm about me... let's see, i would say Jesus, tennis, and my friends are my life, well plus school, but thats the lame part. i like to run, and i like hiking through woods too. hmm james. well he is 7 years older than me! lol, he was in the military, which is saweeet! and he is a fellow brother in Christ, which is the best part of course. he went out to eat with my family on sunday and we had delicious pizza, yummm.

this whole blogging thing is new and still weird to me, so sorry, if im retarded at this haha. hmm nothing exciting happened to me today, i went to school. on my way to school at 7:30 in the morning was really scary because it was really foggy and i couldnt see that far ahead of me, but i made it! fewf lol. my first class is 3 hours long, its anatomy and physiology. its a good class i guess, we had a huge quiz today that i didnt study for lol, but somehow i got a 100% hehe. then we had a boring lecture, and normally in my classes i just draw pictures or write poems but i cant in that class because that teacher is always calling on me cuz i took anatomy in high school, so im the only one who knows what's going on. and then we had lab for about an hour and a half looking at slides through the microscrope which is always frustrating for me cuz u have to look through two eyepieces but my left eye needs perscription glasses (but i never wear my glasses unless looking at notes far away) but my right eye is normal, so having to look through two eye pieces at tiny microscopic weird stuff is annoying lol. hmm well i think that's enough for one day.

peace out,



Posted by cindilou90 at 4:09 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 1 October 2008 5:10 PM EDT
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Day 1 of my new Blog - 2:30pm
Now Playing: Relient K - Mood Rings


 Today I have started this blog! This is going to be amazing! I have never done anything like this internet website stuff before and I will have a lot of fun doing it!


Kami Megumu! (God Bless in Japanese)


Yours Truly,




(James actually wrote this post to get it started)


Posted by cindilou90 at 2:28 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 1 October 2008 5:25 PM EDT
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