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Cindilou's Blog!
Monday, 20 October 2008
james? where art thou?
Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: Les Choriestes - Compere Guilleri

ok so i just wrote a really long blog that took me like an hour and i hit submit, and then my computer died, and now i have to start over, except now i dont feel like writing all that again. hmm...sigh, gosh dang it. ok well today i went to school, aced a test, fell asleep in all my classes, went home, and slept a lot. then i watched a chickflick cuz i hang out with way too many guys so it was muchly needed and i cried so much lol, im a sucker when it comes to sad movies. then i had the inspiration to compose a piano song, so thats just what i did for like 2 hours, instead of homework of course, but its a lovely song! and then i slept some more, i know im getting sick or something cuz im always tired, and my apetite is gone alltogether, ive already lost a bunch of weight, and for some reason im not in the mood to run which is weird, cuz i always am. but whatev, now im waiting for james to talk to me, but he is too busy patiently listening to a kerby vacuum salesman in his living room. so im just waiting...and waiting...and waiting. i told james to kick her out but he's having too much fun. he just texted me and said she poured salt all over the carpet lol. gosh james, i want to talk to my bff! hurry! sigh...dang it! there's a bug flying all over my room and its driving me crazy!..."waiting on the world to change", "im still waiting for you to be the one im waiting for" hmm cant think of any more songs about waiting...james!...JaMeS!!...jAmEs!!!...JAMES!!!! oh btw to all my faithful readers lol if i have any, james posted the professional video of us on the sky coaster, and i look like a friggin idiot cuz i was flipping out! i like the one i uploaded on facebook today cuz it shows how loud i was screaming lol. but anyways...JAMES!!! sigh...HAHA! i killed that bug! gosh im so tired, james, bff! kick the lady out already! gosh! ...hmm...waiting, still waiting, and waiting.........and waiting...oh yay! he's online! ttyl suckas!


Posted by cindilou90 at 8:46 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, 20 October 2008 9:04 PM EDT
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Sunday, 19 October 2008
365 feet = MASSIVELY HIGH!
Mood:  on fire
Now Playing: Switchfoot - Dare You to Move
ok hmmm let's just say i had an AMAZING weekend lol, it was jampacked with fun plans, but i think ill just talk about Old Town. ok so my sunday school class decided to go to Old Town in Kissimmee on saturday night. we got there and i was like dude, sweet, this place is awesome! it was like a fair on steroids! and for the past couple of weeks Jason kept pushing me to ride the Sky Coaster when we got there and i was like aaaahhhh no way! we get there right, we eat, and then head straight to the Sky Coaster, and James and Steve knew they were going but needed another person to go with them and all night James was like Cindi, you're going, you're just going that's it. and i was like pshhh no! i mean i looked at the line for going on the sky coaster...and there was no all. but um half an hour later somehow i was strapped down (with a full stomach btw) and climbing 365 feet up in the air just to fall to my doom. ok well if ur somebody like me and numbers like 365 feet mean nothing to you...well ok so we're up there and it was FRIGGIN MOTHER OF ALL SWASHBUCKLING SOOOOOO HIGH i could see the shuttle lunchpad which is TWO HOURS AWAY driving distance!!!! yea, i pretty much died, and also, for some other reason i was chosen to be the one to pull the chord while we were up there, this meant when got all the way up to 365 feet i was the one to make us drop! ummm, yea, that went i pull this chord right and then i just screamed and screamed...and throat still hurts. but anyways after that james promised to take me on the ferris wheel cuz i had never been on one and plus he totally owed it to me for making me go on that sky coaster!!! oh btw did i mention that sky coaster was the world's tallest? well yea, IT IS!!! but hey, i got a free tshirt for riding it! lol but the ferris wheel was fun and we went on a couple other rides too, fewf, what a night lol. and james i know i kept saying that i hated you cuz u made me go on that, but its ok ill always love you bff jamison harrison costello =)

Posted by cindilou90 at 1:27 PM EDT
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Thursday, 16 October 2008
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: The Office

so today i woke up and was about to start a crapload of homework, and my mom was like "oh cindi, btw, i told grams we would paint her house today." and i was like "oh...ok." so i spent allllll day painting that house, and nazi-gotta-do-everything-perfect-mother was not helping lol. and so i got done painting half the house, and i go to get a break and my mom was like "oh cindi, go dig up all those rocks in the front and paint the wall that is usually covered by the rocks and then put all the rocks back." and i was like "yes!" so i was doing all this, extremely dehydrated, so my fingers started to swell a lot, which happens when im overdoing it, so then haha, they started to swell even so much my skin started to crack, which has never happened before, it was fun. and half the time i was digging up the rocks i was stuck in bushes and something crawled up my shirt! (and then later i found a crapload of bugbites on my legs). but anyways as i was kneeling there awkwardly and painfully in a bush digging up rocks and painting i was complaining inside my mind, but then i realized hey wait a second. i have nothing to complain about, i have both my legs and both my arms, eyes, ears, etc. so i just kinda had a short little thankful moment and thanked God, and got back to work without a complaint. =) then later grams gave me ice cream hehe, so i was happy. then when i got home i realized i had spent all day painting and didnt get all the homework and crap done that was due today, but instead i took a shower and crashed on the couch, until someone woke me up to go to class, and class was fun, i was sleeping during some video and then i was rudely woken up by taylor lol when the teacher had apparently said "ok, lets gather in a circle" lol, so yea, now im home, tired, but happy, and going to bed. peace.


Posted by cindilou90 at 9:25 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 14 October 2008
Speedos Should Be ILLEGAL!
Mood:  lyrical
Now Playing: The Doobie Brothers - Keep This Train A-Rollin'

this morning i woke up after 11 hours of sleep, it was niiiice. and it was a beautiful day, so i threw on my bathin suit and headed to the beach. i was there by myself so i decided to take a long walk on the beach, cuz im weird like that and i love to walk and run long distances. but anyways while i was there i saw a really old man wearing a see through speedo! and i almost threw up all over the place, and i was definitely blinded for atleast an hour! (shudder, shudder) and then when i was heading back to my spot by Cherry Down there was this black guy that was fishing and he seemed to be waiting for me to pass. he was just standing there awkwardly so as i passed he said some stupid pickup line and called me "man" somewhere in his line. usually being called "man" or "dude" doesnt bother me at all, but a little advice to you guys out there, never use it in a pickup line! gosh, lol, use some common sense. but anyways, i just kept walking, and the guy's friend just started laughing really hard and making fun of him, haha, it was funny.

and then on my way home, i was listening to Z88.3 and the song called In My Arms, by Plumb, came on, and i absolutely LOVE that song!

clouds will rage and
storms will race in
but you will be safe
in my arms
rains will pour down
waves will crash around
but you will be safe
in my arms

when i hear that song, i cannot help but sing as loud as i seriously possibly can, not caring if anybody is listening. that song just means so much to me, i feel so close to God when i hear it, cuz its so true! i always picture God annoyed with me because sometimes i can stray way too far, and i can just picture Him with his arms crossed and His eyes disappointed, just waiting for me to come back. and the whole time i am far from Him, He is still always there, holding me, and I just wish I realized that more.

cindi lou

Posted by cindilou90 at 9:18 PM EDT
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Monday, 13 October 2008

Mood:  hungry
Now Playing: one tree hill

this morning i woke up at 5:30 cuz i had a friggin huge anatomy test that i had not studied for, haha, surprize surprize. so i craaaaamed like crazy, and then i fell asleep while driving today!!! (dont tell my mom) but luckily i made it to class lol. and so this test, ok, let's just say i guessed on 75% of the questions, like seriously no joke. and i got an 84!!! haha, i was so happy, then i got to hold a real human skull, it was creppy hehe. later me and kevin went to walmart and we ended up fooling around there for a while. but we were looking at DVDs (2 for $10 lol) and this old man walks up and starts lookin as well. and then this old guy but like 20 years younger than the other old guy came up and asked me and kevin if computers could read DVDs, and we told him that the newer versions could. and the oldest man was like "nooooo, they can not!!! impossible!" and we were like "no, seriously, we watch DVDs on our computers all the time." and the oldest guy was like "nooooo" and then the other guy was like "noo they can! ur wrong." and then me and kevin left and the guys were still argueing and it just made me laugh because that one guy asked if they could or not but then when we were leaving he was having such a strong argument about the fact that they can. haha, idk, i thought it was amusing. well the rest of the day was really fun too, but im too lazy to type all that. so sorry this post was lame and pointless hehe, PEACE!


Posted by cindilou90 at 9:31 PM EDT
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Sunday, 12 October 2008
I Get By With A Little Help From My Friends
Mood:  silly
Now Playing: Dixie Chicks - Ready to Run

so today was simply amazing. that is all. there are no words to even describe how swashbuckling (lol) my day was. =)

cinderblick ;)

Posted by cindilou90 at 9:05 PM EDT
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Friday, 10 October 2008
Paul Murray
Mood:  lucky
Now Playing: Home Improvement

ok so although that earlier post may have sounded pretty upbeat, today was a pretty miserable day due to retarded complications from the human brain not agreeing with rediculous emotions. but then i was just about to go to bed, and then paul started talking to me. and he knew i was upset, so we talked for a while, and it helped me so much. it turned out that he's pretty much been through the same thing that i have, and i had no idea. and i dunno, he just made everything seem so much clearer and i just want to thank you paul. you are one of my bestest friends ever in the entire world. and i know how much u hate it when friends go off to college and then you grow apart, but paul, i dont want to lose you like that, so if that starts to happen next year when im in orlando, just punch me in the face and yell at me lol.

but seriously, paul explained to me that sometimes it will be hard to trust God, and u will be frustrated, but how can we avoid that? ya know? its life. so i think, and although i had to learn this the hard way, i think God was simply trying to bring me back to Him. He knew I started taking control over my own life, but i was too caught up with everything i didnt even notice. i was ignoring the only person I can trust, and thats God. and so just now, while talking with paul, i finally realized that God knows whats best for me, and He simply puts me through stuff like this in order to draw me closer to Him. He hates the trials He gives me just as much as I do, but i know now that these trials are necessary. yes, im upset about all the confusion in my life right now, but im much more upset about the fact that i wasnt allowing God in my life to guide me.

I just thoughtd i share that with you, while it was still fresh in my mind, i am feeling like 200% better now hehe. and paul, i love you! thank you, im so lucky to have such a good friend like you!

cindi lou

Posted by cindilou90 at 11:13 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, 10 October 2008 11:33 PM EDT
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[insert witty title]
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: horror movie, dont remember what its called

so today i woke up at 7 for no reason, lame i know. so i decided to go to the beach cuz the beach is my favorite stress reliever. so while i was there, i was just laying there jammin to phil whickham and this crab attacks my foot! like seriously! and it wasnt just some cute little crab, no, it was the mother of all crabs! and so after being rudely awakened from my relaxation i decided to take a quick dip in the ocean, which i have to admit, was not one of my best ideas. i am a veeeery weak swimmer, like i would not be surprised if the cause of my death is drowning. so going to beach by myself and into the ocean by myself, nowhere near a lifeguard, and nowhere near any other beachgoers was a very dumb idea. but eh, i survived! hehe. after my lovely beach adventure i went and played tennis with mari, and lucky me, i pulled a muscle in my leg, and ruined my knee some more because i forgot to wear my kneebrace lol, but because im stupid i decided to not let it bother me and i continued playing tennis, which was DUMB! which reminds me, i decided im gonna be one of those people that needs 12 knee surgeries by the time im 30. my mom says i run too much, but i cant just stop running, thats like ordering you to never eat ice cream again. but anyways now im stuck on the couch hoping my leg will magically become amazing again lol while watching a horror movie with my lil sis. not one of the best friday nights i have ever spent, but eh, i need to spend more time with suzy anyway. im never home much when she is, and when i am, one of us has lots of gay homework to do. but anyways, this movie is getting really scary, i think im gonna hide under my bed now. peace out home skillets.


Posted by cindilou90 at 9:26 PM EDT
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Thursday, 9 October 2008
Near Death Experiences
Mood:  accident prone
Now Playing: SNL

whhhooooooa ok so today i got out of class at 9 pm and it was poooouring and me and taylor just so happened to park in the fartherst parking lot, i dont know why we do, but we do. and we waited around for 5 minutes but finally just gave up. so we ran to our cars, and i just so happened to pick the pathway with everysingle deep puddle in the entire world, and i was wearing white shorts too, which was just wonderful because by the time i got to my car i was DRENCHED, like i had just jumped into a swimming pool. so anyways, im driving home, and i seriously cant see a thing. and im a bad driver to begin with when its bright and sunny, soo lol, it was not good. but anyways i was merging onto 528 and there was a giant tree fallen down! and i didnt see it! but luckily i was less than an inch away from crashing into it and dieing. and then once im on 528 i almost crashed into the railing on the bridge cuz i couldnt see a thing, and i couldnt see the dividers between the lanes either and neither could anyone else cuz i could see cars sprawled EVERYWHERE! it was truly insane. like seriously people, i couldnt see anything except for when lightning would strike every 5 seconds, but that was it. and so it took forever for me to get home obviously and there were trees everywhere and when i got home, i got inside the house, i just stood there in shock that i was still alive and my mom was like "AAAHHHH CINDI IM SO GLAD UR ALIVE!" cuz it was a friggin hurricane outside!

hehe love yall


Posted by cindilou90 at 9:42 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 8 October 2008
Slow Down!
Mood:  energetic
Now Playing: Jon McLaughlin - Amelia's Missing

today i realized how important the little things are. i hung out with taylor, kevin, and nick today for a bit, and when we got back to bcc, i saw paul sitting in his car (it was poooouring). so i ran over, and hopped in his passnger seat, and by then i was soaked, like not dry at all. and we just sat and talked for like 40 minutes watching it rain, until he had to get to class. and i enjoyed it. i realized that the simple things in life can mean so much to me, like it does not take money and extravagent things to make me happy. people just need to slow down, stop stressing out, and watch the world, watch its amazingness, and just chill, ya know? if you dont slow down, then it will be over before you know it. im scared of how fast time goes by, i dont like the idea of getting old, so i try my best to live life how it should be lived, so by the time i am old, i am satisfied. so many people i know just spend time drinking and partying and sleeping around, but why? but i refuse, i refuse to live life like that. instead i like to go on long bike rides with kevin and victor, talking with paul in his car while its pouring, or paul trying to teach me how to drive stick shift in his car (and im sorry paul if thats why ur car is so messed up now), or going to see the beautiful sunrise at the beach at 5 in the morning, or dancing in the rain with suzy at 10:30 at night, or walking through cocoa village with montse trying to find the travis hardware ghost, or buying snow cones at snow hut with tiffany and suzy on the last day of school, or random spontaneous adventures with kevin, or devoting a whole day for thrift shopping and making wind chimes out of spoons and forks with sara and katie, or having picnics at riverfront park with the first person i scrolled to on my cell phone, or having long chats with my mentor/hero mr. m. which reminds me that it is so important to listen! so many people in the world, just need somebody to talk to, and i always want to be there for people, just like sometimes i need someone to talk to. chatting is so simple, but yet always leaves you so satisfied. especially old people lol, i mean i know its weird, but give old people a chance, they have so much to say! i love listening to old people, they are hilarious, and just want someone to talk to, to share their life with.

basically, seriously, just slow down! appreciate the little things you normally dont think about. appreciate brownies, middle names, smiling strangers that make ur day, fishing, phone calls, leaves, trees, the sky, heart locket necklaces (those are my favorite, and you can put tiny pictures in them! lol), dragonflys, pentell pens, big sunglasses, mothers, laughing, buzz lightyear, fuzzy caterpillers, fake tattoos, battle scars, freckles, driving with the window down and grilling at strangers that stare, wendy's baked potatos, ur mom jokes, swingdancin to louis armstrong, pirates, ferris wheels, orange soda, finding a hill in florida that is not man-made, fluorescent colored nailpolish, and jamaicans. i just hope i dont get caught up in this secular world, and forget about God and His amazingness. I want to take it slow and enjoy it as much as i can, and share that joy with everyone i know. i dont want to be like all the grandparents  that say "where did all the years go?" instead i want to be the grandma saying "pshh my life was amazing, i dont regret anything, ok, let's go fishing." ya know? why are you stressing out, why are you working so hard, why arent you catching fireflies with me? thats what im wondering. you get one life on earth, so make it worthwhile, but not in the way that you wake up the next morning not knowing where you are, and not sure if ur pregnant or not. thats harsh i know, but so true.

so just stop, seriously, stop. get in the car with ur best friend, but dont go anywhere. just sit there and talk. talk about life, talk about people, talk about anything. just forget about everything, and just talk. flip on an oldies radio station, and just take in the moment. stop worrying about stuff that doesnt matter, because God has it all under control, he just wants you to enjoy urself (without breaking any of the commandments lol). like i say, sing like no one is listening, dance like no one is watching, and eat a whole pan of brownies like there's no such thing as calories from fat.

urs truly

cindi lou =)

Posted by cindilou90 at 6:07 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 8 October 2008 7:25 PM EDT
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