
Now Playing: nothin, my window is open and i can hear bugs
i feel like i havent written in a while but mainly i havent really had anything constructive to say i guess. been kinda busy with school and hangin with friends and whatnot. i made a couple of new awesome christian friends over the weekend at a party, that was exciting. haha i had a lot of fun. this morning i got a 54 on an anatomy test and this was after i pretty much studied all day and night sunday and an hour and a half this morning, so yea, that was exciting. and then this guy in one of my classes keeps asking me out but i dont know what to say without like hurting his feelings. so thats getting annoying and then a close friend of mine likes me now and it's driving me mad and its all confusing and im sick of it and this other guy realized i was single and gah! just let me be, please, like seriously!!! as my mom says lol "MEN ARE EEEEVIL!" lol, well i know most men arent evil, but gosh darnit, they sure are annoying. i just want everybody to leave me alone and just stop it! gosh, i hate it. last night out of nowhere, like on the ride home from church i was silent the whole time, just studying. and then when i got home, i was about to go into my room and my dad yells "CINDI!" and was like whoa lol and im like "yea?" and then he went on and on for like half an hour that i cant marry a drunk guy cuz then i will hate my life and ill be miserable and im not really sure where he was going and i dont know why he would think i would just go off and marry some drunk guy, gosh idk, lol it was amusing though. haha. well sorry this blog was really lame, nothin much to say.