
Now Playing: tenth avenue north - Love Is Here
wow sorry i havent written in a while. i have been slackin. my bad. but anyways, been crazy busy. i was in pennsylvania for 2 weeks without access to a computer, so i can blame it on that :-p. but anyways, i saw snow for the first time finally!!!!! i made a snowman and a snowangel and i went sledding, and i went snowboarding (which is extremely painful on the butt! but sooo worth it!). and i got lost in my pop's woods for 3 hours!!! then i found a creek and pretended i was that guy on Man vs Wild and followed the running water and i found my way back home. but it was scary cuz i saw bear tracks everywhere! and i also ran through a corn field for the first time and i climbed a mountain to the very top!!! it was the trip of a lifetime, i didnt want to leave. pennsylvania was so beautiful. it was a relief to see so much land and trees and mountains, it was awesome! it gets really old living on flat land covered in houses and buildings all the time. but because of the vacation i totally have decided that i definitly wont be living in Florida all my life now. it would kill me. lol.
anyways, sorry this blog doesnt have a message or moral or anything. just wanted to catch ya up a bit. peace out. :)