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Cindilou's Blog!
Sunday, 7 December 2008
I'm Scurred
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: Dave Barnes - Crazyboutya

I'm really scared. I'm scared of losing my best friends. I look back at elementary school, middle school, and even high school even though it was a year ago, I have realized the "best" friends I had I dont talk to at all anymore. That's depressing. I mean I honestly dont care much about those people anyway, but it reminds me about how easy people can fade, and that scares me cuz the best friends I have today, I never ever want to lose, no matter how far we move away, and no matter how much we become busy and absorbed with other things. I dont want to lose them. I hate it when some of my friends fall in love, its annoying, I mean Im glad for them, I really am, I mean if you are able to find love, than thats just plain awesome, it truly is cuz its hard to find. But on the on the other hand, I hate it, cuz they dont realize how much they totally abandon the other people they loved before the girlfriend/boyfriend came along. It's funny how things can happen so easily like that. I sucks. But *sigh* whatev, these things just happen, and you cant help it.

But I think its gonna be ok, I mean, I dont think there will be any way to seperate me from Kevin, Victor, Paul, and now people like Fatu and Matt. They are totally awesome and I love them all to death, and I cant even picture a world without them and I know/desperately hope that they cant picture a world without me. 

Posted by cindilou90 at 4:06 PM EST
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Tuesday, 9 December 2008 - 1:17 AM EST

Name: "Kevin"

A world without you would be like a world without weather. Totally boring and depressing, not to mention uninhabitable... You make life unpredictable and fun in varying degrees. I love playin' in the sun, listening to the rain, watching the storm. You've helped me so much and I'm very grateful to have you as a friend =] I'll be around as long as the weather is ;-)

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