
Now Playing: U.S. Open (Del Potro's beating Nadal!!!)
so i decided school is pretty much the gayest thing ever. it's full of cliques that are impossible to enter unless you're born into it. it's full of old teachers who tell you to write about your opinion but will only give grades according to their opinion. it's full of creepy, annoying people who think they know everything, but really they know nothing. it's full of millions of papers and tests and quizzes and i have no idea how people function without a planner. it's full of fakes and phoneys. it's full of mean people who used to know you in high school but won't give you the time of day anymore so they pretend they do not know you. it's full of being forced to think deeply even though deep thoughts come spontaneously. it's full of gay gay gayness all the time. it's full of hypocrites and people that judge your every move. it's full of bad grades and sleeplessness. and to think about it i pay to go to this school, use up all my money to do so, learn absolutely nothing, get a degree, get a job, and then just get laid off cuz this economy SUCKS. it's a waste i tell you, a waste. id rather play tennis all day.
ugh, bad day, cindi