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Cindilou's Blog!
Sunday, 19 July 2009
Oy, parents...
Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: Wasteland - Augstana
I think parents are ridiculous. Well, mine are. I want/need so bad to explode in their faces. They don't trust me. They don't respect me. They don't understand me. They don't know me. They don't see me as who I am, who I want to be, they see me as who they want me to be. The pressure has built my whole life, and it is coming extremely close to explosion. When they enforce such strict rules, such ridiculous closed-in walls, do they really expect me to sit back? They're not letting me go! I'm not a little child anymore! I'm no longer the small 3-foot child running around oblivious to everything. I'm grown up and want to move on. But how can I when the leash is too tight, too short, and choking me? How do you tell a parent to let go? How do you tell them that their child is no longer their baby, that their child is ready to enter a new stage of life. How do you tell them TO LAY OFF AND LET ME BE! I do love them...but they are making life unbearable. You know the feeling where you need (not want, but actually need) to leave the planet so you can just sit on a star somehwere and SCREAM AS LOUD AS YOU CAN! AND GET IT OUT OF YOUR SYSTEM! the kind of scream that will open the ears of the largest sleeping beast. The kind of scream, that when you're done, you feel deflated. I need that. I need it bad...

Posted by cindilou90 at 8:38 PM EDT
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Monday, 22 June 2009
I Make Mistakes
Mood:  down
I think it is human nature to view oneself as perfect. I know that sounds really selfish and prideful, but it is true. It took me 19 years to realize that I do not always know what is right, I am not perfect, I have error, and I need to accept that. I have had many arguments with people, for the most part it had to do with me judging someone of their actions, yelling at them, telling them that they're doing wrong. At the end of the argument, I would always look like the good guy, the one who knows everything and always does well. Bow to me. The largest problem that I have is judging people. I hate to admit it, but it is so true. It is not my right to judge, it is God's, and only God's. Who am I to act in such a way, when I am nowhere near perfect myself? I realized today I am a constant flaw. I am never perfect. I am not always right. Only one person that walked on the Earth was perfect and righteous and holy. He was Jesus, and I have no room whatsoever to act like I am on the same level as Him. I apologize for ever  being judgemental, for ever acting like I know everything and you dont know squat, for ever being mean, for ever ignoring you. I am still learning, and seeking wisdom from my Holy Father. Sometimes I may have a need to voice my opinion, but mostly because I care. I simply want to be a shining light, but a lot of the time I am just retarded. And idk, I am not even sure if I am making sense. But overall, I am filled to the top with error and have no right to judge.

Posted by cindilou90 at 9:14 PM EDT
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Thursday, 4 June 2009
I Love Fatu
Mood:  flirty
Now Playing: Made

Havent blogged in forever my bad. Been busy. But now that I have mono and my boyfriend Fatu is gone for the weekend I don't have much to do. I'm pretty sure I've watched every movie on my shelf, every tv show, played every wii game, and i even edited a music video lol. but yea, im really bored. And I realllllllllllly miss Fatu. He's the only guy I ever really loved. My first boyfriend Brad, I told him I loved him, but he was my first boyfriend and that was 11th grade and I was dumb. And I'm pretty sure I just said it cuz he said it and I didnt want to make it awkward haha. I was so dumb, but that relationship was too. And sure i've liked guys more than i have others but Fatu is the only one I ever loved. And he's amazing, and i'm really glad he feels the same way. I honestly have no idea what I would do without him. And i miss him a lot right now =/



Posted by cindilou90 at 8:35 PM EDT
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Thursday, 30 April 2009
Definition of PMS in Poem Form
Mood:  irritated

It sucks to be a girl,

So bad, I want to hurl.

The war of hormones inside me

Is easy for anyone to see.

I’m pissed for no reason

Three times a season.

I yell, kick, and scream

‘cause it’s no good dream.

A squirrel crossing the frickin street

makes me so mad, im red as a beet.

I cry, melt, and stress

‘cause everything’s a mess.

I am serious when I say

PMS will ruin a day.

It’s like the constant gloomy feeling:

Of your head too close to the ceiling,

Everyone is out to get you,

Simultaneously stepping in goo, doo, and poo,

Chocolate is extinct,

It’s impossible to blink,

Life sucks,

And I really hate ducks.

Now imagine all that,

But times 3 billion, and in the middle of combat.

And even that is an understatement

But nothing frickin rhymes with understatement

Because life sucks as a girl,

So bad, I want to hurl.

Posted by cindilou90 at 4:54 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 30 April 2009 4:56 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 4 March 2009
Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: pitter patter of Debbie hopin 'round

Woooow, so sorry. It has been a while since i've written. I've got so much on my plate it's ridiculous. But i've got even more on my mind, but i have no idea how to put it to words. Today i went with my mom to switch over the car to my name and such, and a bunch of insurance crap and blah blah de dah. and my mom is freaking me out a lot asking me what i want to do with the house and such if my parents suddnely die or something. and im just like AAAHHHH i dont know! i mean i enjoy living in my sheltered life where i believe that no one dies lol. i mean lately i have been realizing a lot that life is short, its as simple as that. and it sucks. i freak out when im having fun sometimes cuz i know it wont last forever, and time just flies by way too fast when im having fun. im so scared to die, but im even more scared to have my loved ones die. i think life was just made to be short so we could cherish it even more. my english teacher told me yesterday that if there wasnt death, then there wouldnt be love. because love exists knowing that it cant last forever, and that there will be an end. im not sure what to think of this yet. but its always there in the back of my head now.

and also it comes to my attention more and more that this world is starting to lose all sense of morale. its so disheartening. i know it is not my place to judge, but thats the biggest thing i struggle with. but its sooooooo hard for me to just sit back, and forget about people and their sins and just be close friends with them still, because their constant sinning is always there in my mind, and i dont know what to do. but everyday i just realize more and more and frickin more that this world is going down the tubes and nobody cares about anything anymore. 

so yea, there's a lot more on my mind, but im just too overloaded with crap right now im just like AAAHHHHH so maybe lata. but thats good nuff for now. so meh, whatever. 

~ cindi lou

Posted by cindilou90 at 1:43 PM EST
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Monday, 2 February 2009

Mood:  sad

Posted by cindilou90 at 3:47 PM EST
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Thursday, 29 January 2009
The Power of Prayer
Mood:  surprised
Now Playing: Phil Wickham - Must I Wait

I know being a christian and all, it would be bad of me to say that I used to believe that prayer seemed kind of pointless. But I did used to think that, I mean I still prayed a lot, but I wondered why would I need to if God knew everything? ya know?

But now that opinion has completely turned around. Lately I have been extremely stressed out, not even for me, but I am so worried about some of my friends. Just this week so many people have come up to me for help, for comfort, for questions about God, etc etc. It was so overwhelming, I wanted to scream. But I stopped myself and instead, opened my door cuz I knew I needed to be a shining light and I cant just give up on people that need me. But sometimes, actually scracth that, most of the time, there is really nothing that you can do, but provide your friendship, and your prayer. And, that sucks. I hate feeling hopeless. I hate wanting to help somebody so bad, but knowing that you cant. All you can do is pray. I HATE that feeling. Mainly because when we pray, we dont hear back from God, it's a one way conversation, and it's frustrating. 

But 2 nights ago I was extreeeemely freaking out for one of my friends. I have never talked to someone so depressed. I was so worried but could do nothing. I was literally sitting there drowning in my tears, feeling so hopeless, not knowing what to do. So I prayed, I prayed so much that night, I couldnt think of anything else to do. And even though I didnt hear back from God, I knew He was listening, I knew He was there, and I knew He was there to comfort me. I fell asleep talking to Him that night. And the very next day, I talked with the girl, and already things were looking up, it was incredible, I didn't believe it, I had to take it all in. And today, just 2 days after that night, she is smiling and laughing, and she is cheery again, and all her problems seem to be disappearing. It's amazing!!!! I am praising the Lord! I have never ever realized the power of prayer until yesterday. It's so nice to just be reminded once in a while that God is listening, and He does care. I love Him. And I know He loves me, and I know He enjoys hearing from me. So now, I pray so much more now. Prayer can make a difference, it's not just a measley chore that you have to do before you eat, or before you go to bed. It's worship, it's love, and its simply talking to the Creator of all things! And idk, I dont know how else to make my point, except prayer is so important. God wants to hear from you, so talk to Him!!! 

love cindi lou

p.s. READ THESE VERSES: Philippians 4:6-7, James 5:16, Romans 8:26

Posted by cindilou90 at 8:29 PM EST
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Thursday, 22 January 2009
Now Playing: Breathe - Fifteen

sorry im failing as a blog writer... i totally underestimated the impact of 5 classes, 4 being hardcore science classes, a boyfriend, tennis assitant coach, and being in an orchestra now. if i thought i experienced stress and exhaustion before, that was nothing compared to what im going through now. i feel like i can't please anybody, not even myself, because there's never enough hours in a day, and not enough of me to spread around lol. i know it sounds silly, but its so true. i love all my friends for putting the sunshine in my days. i love you all and i couldnt make it without you all. and fatu, you're crazy for putting up with me lol.

 cinni =]

James 1:2-4

Posted by cindilou90 at 9:06 PM EST
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Sunday, 11 January 2009
New Years
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: MercyMe - Sanctified

okay, well its a new year. and i have a couple of goals. im gonna read the bible all the way through in one year. it seems easy to read the whole darn thing in a year, but for some reason i find it hard to do, usually it takes me more than a year. but im inspired, i know a lot of people who read the bible twice in one year! so no more of my excuses, i need to stop being so retarded.

second, im joining the gym with kevin! and plus im gonna be Edgewood's assistant tennis coach this season, so im gonna be in tip top shape :) im excited.

and third, because i now have a boyfriend, its still weird saying that, its been a while, but i gotta promise myself not to ignore my bffs, cuz i know that sucks. and also, not to let anyone, not just fatu, get in the way of the relationship that I have with God. :)

Posted by cindilou90 at 3:39 PM EST
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Wednesday, 7 January 2009
Snow = Amazing
Mood:  flirty
Now Playing: tenth avenue north - Love Is Here

wow sorry i havent written in a while. i have been slackin. my bad. but anyways, been crazy busy. i was in pennsylvania for 2 weeks without access to a computer, so i can blame it on that :-p. but anyways, i saw snow for the first time finally!!!!! i made a snowman and a snowangel and i went sledding, and i went snowboarding (which is extremely painful on the butt! but sooo worth it!). and i got lost in my pop's woods for 3 hours!!! then i found a creek and pretended i was that guy on Man vs Wild and followed the running water and i found my way back home. but it was scary cuz i saw bear tracks everywhere! and i also ran through a corn field for the first time and i climbed a mountain to the very top!!! it was the trip of a lifetime, i didnt want to leave. pennsylvania was so beautiful. it was a relief to see so much land and trees and mountains, it was awesome! it gets really old living on flat land covered in houses and buildings all the time. but because of the vacation i totally have decided that i definitly wont be living in Florida all my life now. it would kill me. lol.

anyways, sorry this blog doesnt have a message or moral or anything. just wanted to catch ya up a bit. peace out. :)


Posted by cindilou90 at 8:33 PM EST
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