Slow Down!
Now Playing: Jon McLaughlin - Amelia's Missing
today i realized how important the little things are. i hung out with taylor, kevin, and nick today for a bit, and when we got back to bcc, i saw paul sitting in his car (it was poooouring). so i ran over, and hopped in his passnger seat, and by then i was soaked, like not dry at all. and we just sat and talked for like 40 minutes watching it rain, until he had to get to class. and i enjoyed it. i realized that the simple things in life can mean so much to me, like it does not take money and extravagent things to make me happy. people just need to slow down, stop stressing out, and watch the world, watch its amazingness, and just chill, ya know? if you dont slow down, then it will be over before you know it. im scared of how fast time goes by, i dont like the idea of getting old, so i try my best to live life how it should be lived, so by the time i am old, i am satisfied. so many people i know just spend time drinking and partying and sleeping around, but why? but i refuse, i refuse to live life like that. instead i like to go on long bike rides with kevin and victor, talking with paul in his car while its pouring, or paul trying to teach me how to drive stick shift in his car (and im sorry paul if thats why ur car is so messed up now), or going to see the beautiful sunrise at the beach at 5 in the morning, or dancing in the rain with suzy at 10:30 at night, or walking through cocoa village with montse trying to find the travis hardware ghost, or buying snow cones at snow hut with tiffany and suzy on the last day of school, or random spontaneous adventures with kevin, or devoting a whole day for thrift shopping and making wind chimes out of spoons and forks with sara and katie, or having picnics at riverfront park with the first person i scrolled to on my cell phone, or having long chats with my mentor/hero mr. m. which reminds me that it is so important to listen! so many people in the world, just need somebody to talk to, and i always want to be there for people, just like sometimes i need someone to talk to. chatting is so simple, but yet always leaves you so satisfied. especially old people lol, i mean i know its weird, but give old people a chance, they have so much to say! i love listening to old people, they are hilarious, and just want someone to talk to, to share their life with.
basically, seriously, just slow down! appreciate the little things you normally dont think about. appreciate brownies, middle names, smiling strangers that make ur day, fishing, phone calls, leaves, trees, the sky, heart locket necklaces (those are my favorite, and you can put tiny pictures in them! lol), dragonflys, pentell pens, big sunglasses, mothers, laughing, buzz lightyear, fuzzy caterpillers, fake tattoos, battle scars, freckles, driving with the window down and grilling at strangers that stare, wendy's baked potatos, ur mom jokes, swingdancin to louis armstrong, pirates, ferris wheels, orange soda, finding a hill in florida that is not man-made, fluorescent colored nailpolish, and jamaicans. i just hope i dont get caught up in this secular world, and forget about God and His amazingness. I want to take it slow and enjoy it as much as i can, and share that joy with everyone i know. i dont want to be like all the grandparents that say "where did all the years go?" instead i want to be the grandma saying "pshh my life was amazing, i dont regret anything, ok, let's go fishing." ya know? why are you stressing out, why are you working so hard, why arent you catching fireflies with me? thats what im wondering. you get one life on earth, so make it worthwhile, but not in the way that you wake up the next morning not knowing where you are, and not sure if ur pregnant or not. thats harsh i know, but so true.
so just stop, seriously, stop. get in the car with ur best friend, but dont go anywhere. just sit there and talk. talk about life, talk about people, talk about anything. just forget about everything, and just talk. flip on an oldies radio station, and just take in the moment. stop worrying about stuff that doesnt matter, because God has it all under control, he just wants you to enjoy urself (without breaking any of the commandments lol). like i say, sing like no one is listening, dance like no one is watching, and eat a whole pan of brownies like there's no such thing as calories from fat.
urs truly
cindi lou =)