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Cindilou's Blog!
Sunday, 11 January 2009
New Years
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: MercyMe - Sanctified

okay, well its a new year. and i have a couple of goals. im gonna read the bible all the way through in one year. it seems easy to read the whole darn thing in a year, but for some reason i find it hard to do, usually it takes me more than a year. but im inspired, i know a lot of people who read the bible twice in one year! so no more of my excuses, i need to stop being so retarded.

second, im joining the gym with kevin! and plus im gonna be Edgewood's assistant tennis coach this season, so im gonna be in tip top shape :) im excited.

and third, because i now have a boyfriend, its still weird saying that, its been a while, but i gotta promise myself not to ignore my bffs, cuz i know that sucks. and also, not to let anyone, not just fatu, get in the way of the relationship that I have with God. :)

Posted by cindilou90 at 3:39 PM EST
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Wednesday, 7 January 2009
Snow = Amazing
Mood:  flirty
Now Playing: tenth avenue north - Love Is Here

wow sorry i havent written in a while. i have been slackin. my bad. but anyways, been crazy busy. i was in pennsylvania for 2 weeks without access to a computer, so i can blame it on that :-p. but anyways, i saw snow for the first time finally!!!!! i made a snowman and a snowangel and i went sledding, and i went snowboarding (which is extremely painful on the butt! but sooo worth it!). and i got lost in my pop's woods for 3 hours!!! then i found a creek and pretended i was that guy on Man vs Wild and followed the running water and i found my way back home. but it was scary cuz i saw bear tracks everywhere! and i also ran through a corn field for the first time and i climbed a mountain to the very top!!! it was the trip of a lifetime, i didnt want to leave. pennsylvania was so beautiful. it was a relief to see so much land and trees and mountains, it was awesome! it gets really old living on flat land covered in houses and buildings all the time. but because of the vacation i totally have decided that i definitly wont be living in Florida all my life now. it would kill me. lol.

anyways, sorry this blog doesnt have a message or moral or anything. just wanted to catch ya up a bit. peace out. :)


Posted by cindilou90 at 8:33 PM EST
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Monday, 15 December 2008
boys, boys, boys...
Mood:  energetic

I AM DONE! today was my last exam day for this semester, oh, the hallelujah chorus is so beautiful.  after all our exams, me, taylor, kevin, and fatu hung out for the rest of the day. pure bliss. i love my friends. i could not be more blessed, seriously. i have been having such good days lately and i know its mainly cuz of my buds. i love em.

but in the meantime...boys are so confusing! lol. I mean, dont get me wrong, i love them. heck, i barely hang out with any girls anymore haha but sometimes i just wish i knew what they were thinking. and they are always complaining how they dont understand us girls either, and its quite amusing. haha, if only there was some sort of for guy to girl, and girl to guy. but eh, whatever, personally i think God made our minds' confusing and rediculous so He could have some entertainment out of it. lol...

<3 cinni

Posted by cindilou90 at 8:38 PM EST
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Thursday, 11 December 2008
Don't Mess With My BFF
Mood:  sad

I never realized how angry I could get until tonight. And dang, I am reeeeeally sorry. Generally, I am a kind person. I keep all my anger inside me, most of the time, only my true friends have seen me angry. But today, I blew up. I dont like it when I see my bffs hurt, and lets just say for future reference, never ever ever ask cindi houser to talk to the person that is hurting you, cuz it will not be pretty. i mean i know she needed a talkin to...but that was baaaad. nobody deserved what came out of my mouth. so right now i feel like crap, i feel like satan. but i guess it had to be done. idk. i feel horrible! i did not know i was capable of being so mean :( this is rediculous. i hate drama. this is why i have all guy bffs. but i guess that wont even keep me from the drama lol.

but when i see my friends hurt, then i am hurt, thats just how it is. i cant stand it.  i dont even feel like writing this blog anymore. i dont know how to explain myself. i feel too broken to explain. i know that sounds rediculous, because it is. but thats how im built, i see someone cry, i cry. God gave me an extremely soft heart, which I guess will be good for my future nursing career, but right now, it SUCKS! because when a close friend of mine is down, then i am down twice as hard. cuz i feel their pain, but i feel worse, cuz i know i cant fix it. but whatever, im out. ive had enough. as much as i would like to wake up tomorrow and forget what has happened, i know that wont happen. so i apologize. im a jerk. im an a**. im ugly, im fat. im a butthead. im evil. ill be getting coal for christmas...gnight. 

Posted by cindilou90 at 11:37 PM EST
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Sunday, 7 December 2008
I'm Scurred
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: Dave Barnes - Crazyboutya

I'm really scared. I'm scared of losing my best friends. I look back at elementary school, middle school, and even high school even though it was a year ago, I have realized the "best" friends I had I dont talk to at all anymore. That's depressing. I mean I honestly dont care much about those people anyway, but it reminds me about how easy people can fade, and that scares me cuz the best friends I have today, I never ever want to lose, no matter how far we move away, and no matter how much we become busy and absorbed with other things. I dont want to lose them. I hate it when some of my friends fall in love, its annoying, I mean Im glad for them, I really am, I mean if you are able to find love, than thats just plain awesome, it truly is cuz its hard to find. But on the on the other hand, I hate it, cuz they dont realize how much they totally abandon the other people they loved before the girlfriend/boyfriend came along. It's funny how things can happen so easily like that. I sucks. But *sigh* whatev, these things just happen, and you cant help it.

But I think its gonna be ok, I mean, I dont think there will be any way to seperate me from Kevin, Victor, Paul, and now people like Fatu and Matt. They are totally awesome and I love them all to death, and I cant even picture a world without them and I know/desperately hope that they cant picture a world without me. 

Posted by cindilou90 at 4:06 PM EST
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Monday, 1 December 2008
Mood:  quizzical
Now Playing: The Beatles - I'll Follow the Sun

I remember when I used to pray every night for a boyfriend. selfish huh? dang that was a while ago...middle school? wow... i used to think that a boyfriend would make life better, make me happier, and make me complete in some way. but dang, how my life has turned around. now i pray every night that all the boys will leave me alone! i dont understand, there are so many now, its annoying, and im not meaning to be arrogant. what have i done to make them like me so much? my conclusion is it's this darn haircut, curse you bangs! i dont know what i want, i dont know what God wants, i dont know anything. for right now, i want to be single, even if there are a couple of reeeeeeally hot guys that like me...sigh. i miss the holding hands, i miss the hugs, i miss the kisses, and i miss being a half to a wholesome. but i also know that sometimes ya just gotta be patient, find urself, find God, and let the guy find you. it is all so confusing and i want/neeeed someone to talk to, but sometimes there just isnt anybody to really talk to about this kind of stuff, cuz its all confusing and stupid an cannot really be put into words, so God is the only one who can help I guess. if only that was easier...

i did have a good thanksgiving break though. definitly my favorite of the 18 years i have lived on the earth. haha so much went on, there are not enough spaces on a page to describe lol. so peace out.

love cindi lou

Posted by cindilou90 at 10:08 PM EST
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Wednesday, 26 November 2008
Where is the Simplicity?
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: Lifehouse - Broken
today i feel like screaming. i have so many secrets i am holding in and its a little overwhelming, the kind of secrets that only you and one other person know, and you are dieing to tell somebody else so you can unload all the insane amount of  buildup. but i know i cant. i just wish life was simple again, you know back in elementary school when you had a so-called "secret" but you would always tell everyone anyway, cuz well the secrets back in elementary school had to do with teddy bears, who had a crush on who, valentine's day, etc. but no, you grow up and the secrets become more intense and less and less people know. and before you know it, people are telling you about drug dealing, sex, and robbing banks. and dont get me wrong, a lot of people tell me everything cuz they know i will keep a secret, they know im a strong christian, so they need help, and they know that i am a person to trust. and i am always there to help, i will never ever turn down someone who needs me, but just sometimes, i wish i was a little kid again when nothing was serious, the highlight of the day was recess, and the only thing to worry about was to remember  the lunch money on the counter before you ran after the school bus.

Posted by cindilou90 at 11:19 AM EST
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Sunday, 23 November 2008
Abstinence is sexy
Mood:  down

well, i just did not have a good week. jamison has left me, i think he hates me or something lol. i dunno. but i dont think i did anything wrong. i mean i talked to him like twice online for like 2 seconds this entire week. i dont understand whats wrong, and i dont think he's meaning to hurt me like this by ignoring me, he's just really busy i guess, and idk, i feel like he doesnt exactly care about me anymore. but um, i definitly realized that whenever i have another boyfriend, im gonna promise myself not to forget about my bffs. i told kevin that if i started hanging out with a bf too much and not with my bffs anymore, than he has my permission to punch me in the face and beat me up until I realize the situation lol. and on top of all that, a reeeeally close friend of mine confessed to me that she is sexually active with her boyfriend, and she is an athiest. can u believe that? i mean dang, i took that really hard. im so angry right now, i dont know what to say. i told her i was really disappointed. why do people have sex before marriage? i mean even it wasnt a religious issue? i mean, when people have sex before marriage, they dont have anything to look forward to, it is hard to discern lust from love, the emotional attachment becomes physical, STDs, unwanted pregnancies, and you're giving urself up! but once you are married, you know the other person loves you for who you are, and not for the sex, you are in a major committment so the chances of ur partner leaving you are far far far less. sigh, i just dont get it. to me, sex before marriage is disgusting, ungodly, morally wrong, and if u do it, then i have lost every ounce of respect that I had for you in a second. im done, im just done with all this crap that has been happening to me lately. what is flippin wrong with this world? why is it so hard to come across a person nowadays that does NOT sleep around and get drunk every weekend? i hate this, im frickin cryin my eyes out, and i dont know what to do. im so sick of this. im sick of school, im sick of atheists, im sick of being ignored, im sick of sluts, im sick of being ugly, im sick of all the tears, im sick of doctors that wont tell me whats frickin wrong with my blood, and im sick of hypocrites.


Posted by cindilou90 at 8:41 PM EST
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Monday, 17 November 2008
I Apologize BFF
Mood:  not sure

I know I have many bffs, but when u read this, u will know it is u im talking about. I would just like to apologize. The reason I have been grumpy toward u lately, is cuz i miss you. I miss talking to u for hours online, i miss getting texts from you, i miss hanging out with u on sunday afternoons. i guess since i am starting to hang with a certain boy more often now i havent really had the time to talk to u as much and i just realized that, and i am reeeeally reeeeally sorry for that. i dont like the fact that u live so far away from my house, or else i would be having wendys picnics with u all the time lol. but now...and this is hard for me to say, cuz i dunno its kinda weird lol, but i am actually jealous of u liking that girl right now. i am not jealous in the sense that i like you too, its not that, i mean i love ya lol, but not in that way. i am jealous that u r spending so much time with her, i am jealous that u talk to her so much online now, that i feel left out. i am jealous that u go out of ur way to spend time with her in merritt island like all the time it seems now, when u never drove once to merritt island to hang out with me. i am jealous that u have now given up ur sunday afternoons (which was the only time we could ever hang out) be with her. But I would just like to apologize. I'm a frickin idiot for treating u so badly bff, i am just a grumpy ol grouch, that is all, and i should not be angry with u for liking somebody haha cuz that is just rediculous. and im sorry bff, i love you. but not only that, i am worried about you, cuz i know how soft ur heart is, and i just wish u would be more careful, cuz i know what u r like when u r hurt badly, and i would give anything not to see u so heartbroken again. but bff if u really like her, i dont want to discourage u, who am i to have a say in the matter? i wish u the best and i love you and i sincerely apologize for being such a jerk.

love cindi lou

Posted by cindilou90 at 9:59 PM EST
Updated: Monday, 17 November 2008 10:18 PM EST
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Thursday, 13 November 2008
Homework, Blood, and Marines
Mood:  blue
Now Playing: King of Queens

well, havent exactly had the best week, not gonna lie. ive failed a bunch of quizzes, everyday i dream about dropping out of college and becoming a firefighter. seriously, that just seems so much better than what im putting myself through haha. on monday i had to go in for another blood test so i get to the doctors office and they're like "well, we cant do this certain test because its too complicated, so u have to go to the hospital." and i was like "yay." so i go to the friggin hospital to lose lots of blood, it was fun fun fun! then yesterday one of my best friends who i love a lot, and he's my favorite person to hang out with and laugh with and go on adventures with told me he's joining the marines! ...THE MARRIIIINNNEEEEESSS!!!! after our conversation ended, i cried, im not gonna lie, i cried. im gonna miss him soooo much! i would prolly feel a lot better if he was entering a different branch, but i mean the MARINES! come on! it worries me, and im praying alot for him and i dont know what im gonna do without him :( and then today i got a call from the doctor and he said that my blood is still definitly not as good as he hoped and wants me to come in again tomorrow for ANOTHER FRIGGIN BLOOD TEST even though that i have 4 blood tests and they still keep telling me to come in! i hate this! its freaking me out, i mean i dont really know much of what is going on, but they are acting like i have cancer, and well ya know, cancer = a field full of sunflowers, daizies and bunnies frolicking around. and ughh im just so stressed, i have a million papers due, a million clarinet performances and practices, a million muscles to memorize by heart for anatomy, and now, a million ounces of blood to lose before my doctors friggin tell me whats going on!!!

sorry, haha im not normally this crazy and upset...


Posted by cindilou90 at 10:08 PM EST
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