
i miss my best friend...quite a lot. :(
I dont understand, nor will I ever understand why people spread rumors. No matter how small or big they are, they are all the same to me. It's annoying, obnoxious, and angrifying. And the worst part is, you can do absolutely nothing about it. As soon as the match is lit, the fire is spread. But why do people start rumors? Are they mad? Are they jealous? Are they simply just bored and want some sort of sick entertainment out of it all? I dont understand! I thought I left all this crappy drama when I finished high school! But no, I guess some immature person out there hates me or something and felt like spreading a stinkin rumor in order to see me suffer. And it's not like I have done anything to upset anybody! I try my hardest, and I really do try my extreme hardest, to treat people how I would want to be treated. So I just dont understand, its all nonsense and rediculous to me. But anyways on the bright side, before today, I had the best weekend of my life. :)
so last night at the party the results were pretty quick. we found out at like 11 that obama won, so the party kinda died after that. i mean the party was really fun, minus the fact that obama will be the next president. but gosh facebook is driving me mad now, cuz every single status is either "go obama! mccain was a failure!" or "this is rediculous! im moving to europe!" its the two extremes, but there is no medium. it makes me want to throw up. i hate it. yes, i am sad that obama won, but people need to stop debating already, its over. if u want to move to europe or canada, go ahead, no one is stopping you, ir ur gonna give up that easily and run from ur problems, america does not need you anyway. but as for me, i know that it was God's plan to have obama as the next president, so i will go on with my life and continue to follow Him, and try my best to please Him. so i think instead of argueing and crying and whining like everybody seems to be doing lately, why dont we pray? and as for the democrats rubbing it in our faces, well i feel bad for you. i dont understand ur morals, i dont understand ur beliefs, but that wont stop me from continuing having a friendship with you. i dont like it when politics gets in the way of relationships, so i try my best to avoid that. so please people, lets just accept the fact that the election is over, mccain lost, obama won, and lets be friends again. no more debates please! no more crying! let's be good americans and just make this country as thriving and amazing as we possibly can. thanks haha. <3 this time i really mean it when i say peace out, seriously, PEACE!
today i voted in my first presidential election!!!GO MCCAIN!!! haha, it was really exciting, i went with my mom. she was so proud of me hehe she took me to dennys for breakfast, p.s. they have the best french toast in the world. but anyways, it was quite exciting, there was no line at all it was weird, i was in the lodge for no longer than 5 minutes, it was amazing. but anyways going to an election party at the murrays tonight, i just hope the party is still happy and enthusiastic at the end...come on mccain! my prayers are constant and my fingers have been crossed for a while, but we shall see. peace.
hmm havent written a good blog in a while, my bad. but sorry, ive been so busy, dang, life has been good. let's see ill cover the highlights i guess. friday, on halloween, me, kevin, and victor went fishing, haha, it was so much fun, but all we caught was catfish :( but still, i had a blast. then i had to leave early to go get my sister and head to the hoedown at first baptist, i found some sweet cowboy boots in my garage, and not gonna lie, i rather enjoyed wearing those boots haha, but by the end of all the squaredancing, my back hurt sooooo bad. but it was definitely worth it. there was a cricket spitting contest and i joined in! haha, can you believe it? me neither, but haha im glad i did it, just to say i spit a cricket, not many people can say that ya know. then there was an egg toss and benny was a horrible partner, he throws weird so we failed epically, but it was fun. then i learned how to dance cotten-eyed joe, haha it was really difficult in the boots but i managed. then we did the electric slide and my new friend matt just came to america in august from south africa and he has a sweet accent and everything lol, but anyways sometimes he just looks at americans like we're crazy and he doesnt understand, so haha, i got to teach him the electric slide, it was funny. he finally got it by the end of the song haha. then bradley and his band led worship for an hour, it was fun, bradley is so amazing, he's gonna be famous some day, i promise. hmm the rest of the weekend did not top halloween, so hmm yesterday. yesterday i got an 87 on my anatomy test and a 94 on the practical!!! i was so excited, that was the hardest test ive ever ever taken so afterwards i just felt like huggin the whole world. it was nice. then later that night i took matt out to show him some more of florida cuz he still has not been out much, so i took him, well, to the beach of course! first we got amazing pizza that i thought matt would like, but he still likes african food better. but then we went to the beach, it was fun, we stayed there for a while, it was night, so it was gettng really really cold so when we got back in my car and looked at the time it was only 8:30 so we're like what? haha, so then we went to riverfront for the rest of the night. i was disappointed though, didnt see any dolphins :( but still, it was a fun night.
I love Jesus, nuff said. =)
love cindi lou
i feel like i havent written in a while but mainly i havent really had anything constructive to say i guess. been kinda busy with school and hangin with friends and whatnot. i made a couple of new awesome christian friends over the weekend at a party, that was exciting. haha i had a lot of fun. this morning i got a 54 on an anatomy test and this was after i pretty much studied all day and night sunday and an hour and a half this morning, so yea, that was exciting. and then this guy in one of my classes keeps asking me out but i dont know what to say without like hurting his feelings. so thats getting annoying and then a close friend of mine likes me now and it's driving me mad and its all confusing and im sick of it and this other guy realized i was single and gah! just let me be, please, like seriously!!! as my mom says lol "MEN ARE EEEEVIL!" lol, well i know most men arent evil, but gosh darnit, they sure are annoying. i just want everybody to leave me alone and just stop it! gosh, i hate it. last night out of nowhere, like on the ride home from church i was silent the whole time, just studying. and then when i got home, i was about to go into my room and my dad yells "CINDI!" and was like whoa lol and im like "yea?" and then he went on and on for like half an hour that i cant marry a drunk guy cuz then i will hate my life and ill be miserable and im not really sure where he was going and i dont know why he would think i would just go off and marry some drunk guy, gosh idk, lol it was amusing though. haha. well sorry this blog was really lame, nothin much to say.
today was just one of those days that would absolutly kill me if i had to go through it again. first i woke up at 6, after going to sleep around 2 from studying my butt off for sociology. anyways, i went to anatomy and my teacher was like "oh btw, u need to memorize all the bones and their markings by monday." now if she woulda just said bones i woulda been perfectly fine cuz 206 is not that bad, but no, i have to know all the markings as well! ok, this means all the little tiny dents, holes, fissures, facets, canals, processes, and projections of each bone. there are billions!!! ok there arent billions but i caclulated it out and there are roughly atleast 500, and each has its own unique stupid confusing different language scientific name. siiiigh then after hearing that from my professor, then she said we had to know all the bones by memory so much that we were going to have to be able to tell which bone is which by feeling it with our eyes closed. this lady is crazy! so me and the guy that sits next to me, joshua, were just like freeeeaking out, but finally after like an hour of freaking out we gave up and just started fooling around with all the stupid bones. it truly was rediculous. then later i went to sociology and took the hardest test of my life, and the 5 hours of studying i did? USELESS! it was all mostly multiple choice but every question had the same exact choices to pick from so it was all so confusing and i had no idea what i was doing, i was christmastreeing thats for sure. yea it sucked and that was a friggin huge unit test too. sigh, oh well. then i hung out with taylor, kevin, and nick for awhile which was allright. then i went home and slept and now i feel really awful, like i forgot how miserable it is to just have that overall sick feeling ya know? this usually happens to me once a semester when everything gets really stressful. i was telling james yesterday that i just want to hop on a train, and see where it takes me. i always thought that would be AWESOME! and i see a train everyday on my way to school, usually i have to wait for it to cross and every time i just feel like abandoning my car and running away. but anyways, yea, my head was totally gone today too. have u ever had those days were u like put ur clothes in the trashcan, and ur trash in the hamper? i do that all the time, i have lost so many pairs of socks that way. but anyways i just found my capris in the tub, and that was the icing on the cake of realizing my mind has run away with the train and left my body. so im sitting here feelin like im about to throw up all over my computer (sorry if that grosses u out but suck it up) instead of having a wendys picnic and watching Disney movies with James, and playing ultimate frisbee like i should be. but anyways, im out, i gotta sleep. gnight world.
ok so i just wrote a really long blog that took me like an hour and i hit submit, and then my computer died, and now i have to start over, except now i dont feel like writing all that again. hmm...sigh, gosh dang it. ok well today i went to school, aced a test, fell asleep in all my classes, went home, and slept a lot. then i watched a chickflick cuz i hang out with way too many guys so it was muchly needed and i cried so much lol, im a sucker when it comes to sad movies. then i had the inspiration to compose a piano song, so thats just what i did for like 2 hours, instead of homework of course, but its a lovely song! and then i slept some more, i know im getting sick or something cuz im always tired, and my apetite is gone alltogether, ive already lost a bunch of weight, and for some reason im not in the mood to run which is weird, cuz i always am. but whatev, now im waiting for james to talk to me, but he is too busy patiently listening to a kerby vacuum salesman in his living room. so im just waiting...and waiting...and waiting. i told james to kick her out but he's having too much fun. he just texted me and said she poured salt all over the carpet lol. gosh james, i want to talk to my bff! hurry! sigh...dang it! there's a bug flying all over my room and its driving me crazy!..."waiting on the world to change", "im still waiting for you to be the one im waiting for" hmm cant think of any more songs about waiting...james!...JaMeS!!...jAmEs!!!...JAMES!!!! oh btw to all my faithful readers lol if i have any, james posted the professional video of us on the sky coaster, and i look like a friggin idiot cuz i was flipping out! i like the one i uploaded on facebook today cuz it shows how loud i was screaming lol. but anyways...JAMES!!! sigh...HAHA! i killed that bug! gosh im so tired, james, bff! kick the lady out already! gosh! ...hmm...waiting, still waiting, and waiting.........and waiting...oh yay! he's online! ttyl suckas!