The Power of Prayer
Now Playing: Phil Wickham - Must I Wait
I know being a christian and all, it would be bad of me to say that I used to believe that prayer seemed kind of pointless. But I did used to think that, I mean I still prayed a lot, but I wondered why would I need to if God knew everything? ya know?
But now that opinion has completely turned around. Lately I have been extremely stressed out, not even for me, but I am so worried about some of my friends. Just this week so many people have come up to me for help, for comfort, for questions about God, etc etc. It was so overwhelming, I wanted to scream. But I stopped myself and instead, opened my door cuz I knew I needed to be a shining light and I cant just give up on people that need me. But sometimes, actually scracth that, most of the time, there is really nothing that you can do, but provide your friendship, and your prayer. And, that sucks. I hate feeling hopeless. I hate wanting to help somebody so bad, but knowing that you cant. All you can do is pray. I HATE that feeling. Mainly because when we pray, we dont hear back from God, it's a one way conversation, and it's frustrating.
But 2 nights ago I was extreeeemely freaking out for one of my friends. I have never talked to someone so depressed. I was so worried but could do nothing. I was literally sitting there drowning in my tears, feeling so hopeless, not knowing what to do. So I prayed, I prayed so much that night, I couldnt think of anything else to do. And even though I didnt hear back from God, I knew He was listening, I knew He was there, and I knew He was there to comfort me. I fell asleep talking to Him that night. And the very next day, I talked with the girl, and already things were looking up, it was incredible, I didn't believe it, I had to take it all in. And today, just 2 days after that night, she is smiling and laughing, and she is cheery again, and all her problems seem to be disappearing. It's amazing!!!! I am praising the Lord! I have never ever realized the power of prayer until yesterday. It's so nice to just be reminded once in a while that God is listening, and He does care. I love Him. And I know He loves me, and I know He enjoys hearing from me. So now, I pray so much more now. Prayer can make a difference, it's not just a measley chore that you have to do before you eat, or before you go to bed. It's worship, it's love, and its simply talking to the Creator of all things! And idk, I dont know how else to make my point, except prayer is so important. God wants to hear from you, so talk to Him!!!
love cindi lou
p.s. READ THESE VERSES: Philippians 4:6-7, James 5:16, Romans 8:26