Usually thursday nights are awesome as can be because of Mr. Jarvis. I could listen to him talk all day. He is so full of wisom and has studied the Bible intensively for yeeeears and years. Today we talked about some questions that unbelievers usually ask, like why should we believe the Bible, and what about predestination, and stuff. Basically, believing the Bible is mostly faith and trust. Of course, this does not satisfy unbelievers, but there is also historical proof found everywhere that they can feed on. But what about predestination. I am a calvinist, which means I believe God chose me, rather then I chose Him. Most people disagree with this because they immedietly think this is unjust, unfair. I refer to Romans 9:21. "Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour?" God can do whatever He wants with us. If we were only given the chance to chose God or not chose God, none of us would chose Him. But because of His grace, we "chose" Him (He chooses us). Now this does not mean that I think we don't have a choice. I do, I believe we all do what we want. But I do not think we have free will. The definition of free will is that nothing is determined and this, I don't believe. I think everything, past, present and future is all determined by God. We do what we want, but everything is already determined. To me it is very frustrating when people don't think this way, they think they are the ones that choose God. However, I am learning to overcome this and realize that either way, we are all God's children, whether we are calvinists or arminians. But to me, God just seem so much more amazing, powerful, and almighty to me when I look at Him through the calvinist view.