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Cindilou's Blog!
Wednesday, 5 November 2008
well...McCain lost...
Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: Michael Buble - The Best is Yet to Come

so last night at the party the results were pretty quick. we found out at like 11 that obama won, so the party kinda died after that. i mean the party was really fun, minus the fact that obama will be the next president. but gosh facebook is driving me mad now, cuz every single status is either "go obama! mccain was a failure!" or "this is rediculous! im moving to europe!" its the two extremes, but there is no medium. it makes me want to throw up. i hate it. yes, i am sad that obama won, but people need to stop debating already, its over. if u want to move to europe or canada, go ahead, no one is stopping you, ir ur gonna give up that easily and run from ur problems, america does not need you anyway. but as for me, i know that it was God's plan to have obama as the next president, so i will go on with my life and continue to follow Him, and try my best to please Him. so i think instead of argueing and crying and whining like everybody seems to be doing lately, why dont we pray? and as for the democrats rubbing it in our faces, well i feel bad for you. i dont understand ur morals, i dont understand ur beliefs, but that wont stop me from continuing having a friendship with you. i dont like it when politics gets in the way of relationships, so i try my best to avoid that. so please people, lets just accept the fact that the election is over, mccain lost, obama won, and lets be friends again. no more debates please! no more crying! let's be good americans and just make this country as thriving and amazing as we possibly can. thanks haha. <3 this time i really mean it when i say peace out, seriously, PEACE!


Posted by cindilou90 at 9:37 PM EST
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Wednesday, 5 November 2008 - 11:54 PM EST

Name: "Paul"

jeez you write on this alot, i havent written a blog in months. bte, why dont you put these on fbook too?

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