
Now Playing: Lifehouse - Broken
today i feel like screaming. i have so many secrets i am holding in and its a little overwhelming, the kind of secrets that only you and one other person know, and you are dieing to tell somebody else so you can unload all the insane amount of buildup. but i know i cant. i just wish life was simple again, you know back in elementary school when you had a so-called "secret" but you would always tell everyone anyway, cuz well the secrets back in elementary school had to do with teddy bears, who had a crush on who, valentine's day, etc. but no, you grow up and the secrets become more intense and less and less people know. and before you know it, people are telling you about drug dealing, sex, and robbing banks. and dont get me wrong, a lot of people tell me everything cuz they know i will keep a secret, they know im a strong christian, so they need help, and they know that i am a person to trust. and i am always there to help, i will never ever turn down someone who needs me, but just sometimes, i wish i was a little kid again when nothing was serious, the highlight of the day was recess, and the only thing to worry about was to remember the lunch money on the counter before you ran after the school bus.