
Now Playing: King of Queens
well, havent exactly had the best week, not gonna lie. ive failed a bunch of quizzes, everyday i dream about dropping out of college and becoming a firefighter. seriously, that just seems so much better than what im putting myself through haha. on monday i had to go in for another blood test so i get to the doctors office and they're like "well, we cant do this certain test because its too complicated, so u have to go to the hospital." and i was like "yay." so i go to the friggin hospital to lose lots of blood, it was fun fun fun! then yesterday one of my best friends who i love a lot, and he's my favorite person to hang out with and laugh with and go on adventures with told me he's joining the marines! ...THE MARRIIIINNNEEEEESSS!!!! after our conversation ended, i cried, im not gonna lie, i cried. im gonna miss him soooo much! i would prolly feel a lot better if he was entering a different branch, but i mean the MARINES! come on! it worries me, and im praying alot for him and i dont know what im gonna do without him :( and then today i got a call from the doctor and he said that my blood is still definitly not as good as he hoped and wants me to come in again tomorrow for ANOTHER FRIGGIN BLOOD TEST even though that i have 4 blood tests and they still keep telling me to come in! i hate this! its freaking me out, i mean i dont really know much of what is going on, but they are acting like i have cancer, and well ya know, cancer = a field full of sunflowers, daizies and bunnies frolicking around. and ughh im just so stressed, i have a million papers due, a million clarinet performances and practices, a million muscles to memorize by heart for anatomy, and now, a million ounces of blood to lose before my doctors friggin tell me whats going on!!!
sorry, haha im not normally this crazy and upset...