I Spit a Cricket!!!
Now Playing: Phil Collins - One Family
hmm havent written a good blog in a while, my bad. but sorry, ive been so busy, dang, life has been good. let's see ill cover the highlights i guess. friday, on halloween, me, kevin, and victor went fishing, haha, it was so much fun, but all we caught was catfish :( but still, i had a blast. then i had to leave early to go get my sister and head to the hoedown at first baptist, i found some sweet cowboy boots in my garage, and not gonna lie, i rather enjoyed wearing those boots haha, but by the end of all the squaredancing, my back hurt sooooo bad. but it was definitely worth it. there was a cricket spitting contest and i joined in! haha, can you believe it? me neither, but haha im glad i did it, just to say i spit a cricket, not many people can say that ya know. then there was an egg toss and benny was a horrible partner, he throws weird so we failed epically, but it was fun. then i learned how to dance cotten-eyed joe, haha it was really difficult in the boots but i managed. then we did the electric slide and my new friend matt just came to america in august from south africa and he has a sweet accent and everything lol, but anyways sometimes he just looks at americans like we're crazy and he doesnt understand, so haha, i got to teach him the electric slide, it was funny. he finally got it by the end of the song haha. then bradley and his band led worship for an hour, it was fun, bradley is so amazing, he's gonna be famous some day, i promise. hmm the rest of the weekend did not top halloween, so hmm yesterday. yesterday i got an 87 on my anatomy test and a 94 on the practical!!! i was so excited, that was the hardest test ive ever ever taken so afterwards i just felt like huggin the whole world. it was nice. then later that night i took matt out to show him some more of florida cuz he still has not been out much, so i took him, well, to the beach of course! first we got amazing pizza that i thought matt would like, but he still likes african food better. but then we went to the beach, it was fun, we stayed there for a while, it was night, so it was gettng really really cold so when we got back in my car and looked at the time it was only 8:30 so we're like what? haha, so then we went to riverfront for the rest of the night. i was disappointed though, didnt see any dolphins :( but still, it was a fun night.