
I dont understand, nor will I ever understand why people spread rumors. No matter how small or big they are, they are all the same to me. It's annoying, obnoxious, and angrifying. And the worst part is, you can do absolutely nothing about it. As soon as the match is lit, the fire is spread. But why do people start rumors? Are they mad? Are they jealous? Are they simply just bored and want some sort of sick entertainment out of it all? I dont understand! I thought I left all this crappy drama when I finished high school! But no, I guess some immature person out there hates me or something and felt like spreading a stinkin rumor in order to see me suffer. And it's not like I have done anything to upset anybody! I try my hardest, and I really do try my extreme hardest, to treat people how I would want to be treated. So I just dont understand, its all nonsense and rediculous to me. But anyways on the bright side, before today, I had the best weekend of my life. :)