
I know I have many bffs, but when u read this, u will know it is u im talking about. I would just like to apologize. The reason I have been grumpy toward u lately, is cuz i miss you. I miss talking to u for hours online, i miss getting texts from you, i miss hanging out with u on sunday afternoons. i guess since i am starting to hang with a certain boy more often now i havent really had the time to talk to u as much and i just realized that, and i am reeeeally reeeeally sorry for that. i dont like the fact that u live so far away from my house, or else i would be having wendys picnics with u all the time lol. but now...and this is hard for me to say, cuz i dunno its kinda weird lol, but i am actually jealous of u liking that girl right now. i am not jealous in the sense that i like you too, its not that, i mean i love ya lol, but not in that way. i am jealous that u r spending so much time with her, i am jealous that u talk to her so much online now, that i feel left out. i am jealous that u go out of ur way to spend time with her in merritt island like all the time it seems now, when u never drove once to merritt island to hang out with me. i am jealous that u have now given up ur sunday afternoons (which was the only time we could ever hang out) be with her. But I would just like to apologize. I'm a frickin idiot for treating u so badly bff, i am just a grumpy ol grouch, that is all, and i should not be angry with u for liking somebody haha cuz that is just rediculous. and im sorry bff, i love you. but not only that, i am worried about you, cuz i know how soft ur heart is, and i just wish u would be more careful, cuz i know what u r like when u r hurt badly, and i would give anything not to see u so heartbroken again. but bff if u really like her, i dont want to discourage u, who am i to have a say in the matter? i wish u the best and i love you and i sincerely apologize for being such a jerk.
love cindi lou
Updated: Monday, 17 November 2008 10:18 PM EST
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